Oakbrook Golf Course
3 Miles E Of Jonestown Off Route 30 - Stoystown 15563
Public - 18 Holes
Directions: Google Map -
Apple Map

KTC 24-inch 2560x1440 IPS Computer Monitor
There was a time not long ago when a monitor like this would cost as much as a new driver. But now, less than a new wedge

Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor
Use this technological marvel with your iPhone to monitor things like ball speed, smash factor and launch angle. Learn why your shots are doing what they're doing.
Distance from Oakbrook Golf Course to East Coast Cities
- Pittsburgh - 59 miles
- Washington - 132 miles
- Baltimore - 136 miles
- Wilmington - 182 miles
- Richmond - 195 miles
- Philadelphia - 208 miles
- Rochester - 223 miles
- New York - 264 miles
- Norfolk - 266 miles
- Virginia Beach - 273 miles
- Greensboro - 284 miles
- Raleigh - 299 miles
- Charlotte - 354 miles
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