Bulle Rock Golf Course

  320 Blenheim Lane - Havre de Grace 21078
   Public - 18 Holes
Directions: Google Map - Apple Map

Major golf publications (including Golf Digest, Golf Magazine, Golf Week, Washington Golf Monthly, Golf for Women and others) have poured honors and accolades on this Pete Dye designed course. Bulle Rock has twice been honored as one of only twelve Five Star Facilities by Golf Digest. They also ranked it as the best public course in the state and listed it high on their Top 100 Public Courses in the nation.


Golf Divot Repair Tool

Take care of the course. Fix your divots with one of these easy-to-use "switchblade style" tools. Buy a bunch and give one to each of your golf buddies.

Arccos Tracking System

If you're really serious about tracking your game, this system is for you. Attach the sensors to your clubs to get more information about how you play than you imagined possible.

Distance from Bulle Rock Golf Course to East Coast Cities

  • Baltimore - 31 miles
  • Wilmington - 34 miles
  • Washington - 65 miles
  • Philadelphia - 71 miles
  • New York - 140 miles
  • Richmond - 155 miles
  • Norfolk - 183 miles
  • Virginia Beach - 186 miles
  • Pittsburgh - 212 miles
  • Rochester - 262 miles
  • Raleigh - 294 miles
  • Greensboro - 316 miles
  • Charlotte - 396 miles

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